
Saeed Abdullah
- Assistant Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Research Interests: mHealth; sensing health behaviors and contexts; data-driven intervention; pervasive health technologies

Youakim Badr
- Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: School of Graduate Professional Studies, Penn State Great Valley
Research Interests: Dr. Badr is developing a new chain of data analytical models, tools, and platforms for designing and deploying “Trustworthy AI Service Systems” by investigating a multidisciplinary and systematic approach, integrating AI, IoT, and Blockchains.

Amit Banerjee
- Associate Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Mechanical Engineering, Penn State Harrisburg
Research Interests: Researcher in Machine Learning applications in manufacturing, machine health monitoring, predictive diagnostics, cognition and creativity, and engineering education. Research interests also include nonlinear optimization using evolutionary algorithms, data classification and clustering, pattern recognition, data modeling and visualization.

Gregory Banyay
- Assistant Research Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Applied Research Laboratory, Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Office
Research Interests: development of enhanced methods for modeling and simulation, flow-induced vibration, and uncertainty quantification, with structural acoustics objectives

Roger Beaty
- Assistant Professor of Psychology
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: College of the Liberal Arts
Research Interests: My research seeks to understand how people think creatively. Our lab develops educational technology to cultivate and evaluate creative thinking, using tools from machine learning and natural language processing. We aim to design educational tools that are culturally responsive and accessible to diverse populations.

Matthew Beckman
- Associate Research Professor of Statistics
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Eberly College of Science
Research Interests: Assessment and learning in post-secondary Statistics and Data Science Education. I'm currently PI for NSF:IUSE Project CLASSIFIES--which seeks to develop and investigate tools that leverage LLMs and NLP to assist STEM instructors in large-enrollment classes with providing student feedback on short-answer tasks.

Brian Belland
- Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education
Research Interests: Machine learning to inform scaffolding customization; Scaffolding argumentation during problem-based learning in middle and high school science; Synthesis of scaffolding research across STEM education and education levels; Scaffolding in preservice teacher education

Syed Billah
- Assistant Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Research Interests: Accessible Computing; Trustworthy AI for Accessibility Assistive Technology

Elizabeth Boyer
- Professor of Water Resources
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
Research Interests: water resources, geoinformatics, environmental sciences, science-technology-society interactions, research ethics

Rick Brazier
- Dean, University College
- CSRAI Steering Committee
Department/Unit: University College
Research Interests: Rick Brazier is senior associate dean for faculty and research for the 14 campuses that comprise the University College. He oversees all aspects of faculty development from hiring through promotions and sabbaticals, including grant proposals.Dr. Brazier is a professor of mathematics and geology. He began his Penn State career in 1996 as a research associate in EMS and then as an instructor and subsequently tenure line faculty member at Penn State DuBois.

Jennifer Breese
- Assistant Professor, Information Sciences and Technology
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Penn State Greater Allegheny
Research Interests: How technology changes social norms; Cybersecurity, Information Systems Technology and Changing Social Norms, Emerging Technology

Laura Cabrera
- Associate Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: College of Engineering
Research Interests: My interests focus on the ethical and societal implications of neurotechnologies used for treatment as well as for enhancement purposes. I have been working on projects at the interface of normative, conceptual and empirical approaches, exploring attitudes and ethical concerns of professionals, patients and members of the public toward brain interventions.

Daryl Cameron
- Associate Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Psychology; Rock Ethics Institute
Research Interests: Dr. Cameron’s research and teaching focus on the psychological processes involved in empathy and moral decision-making. Much of his work examines motivational factors that shape empathic emotions and behaviors toward others.

Betsy Campbell
- Assistant Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Research Interests: Diversity inclusion and belonging; Transparency of process; Team work; Use of AI in innovative entrepreneurial work

John Carroll
- Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Information Sciences and Technology
Research Interests: Human-Centered Technology; Design Community Innovation; Community Data Health Informatics; Wellbeing Mediated Participation; Coproduction Minimalist Information; Scenario-Based Design