Student Affiliates

Parth Gosar
- Computer Science
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of Engineering
Major/Program: Computer Science
Research Interests: The application of AI in health care, particularly by improving diagnostic accuracy through predictive analytics, Neural Networks, and intelligent systems

Hangzhi Guo
- Informatics
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Major/Program: Informatics
Research Interests: I am broadly interested in human-centered machine learning. My current focus is to develop actionable and robust Explainable Machine Learning models. I am also devoted to applying techniques in machine learning and human-computer interaction to help under-served groups.

Antra Gupta
- Information Sciences and Technology
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Major/Program: Information Sciences and Technology
Research Interests: My research interests are all based on social good and daily life through the eye of AI and a broad range of multidisciplinary multi-division ethics of technology. It focuses on making our life and the future better for us and the greater good.

Russell Harrison
- Political Science
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of the Liberal Arts
Major/Program: Political Science
Research Interests: Text Generation, Academic Integrity, Political Misinformation, Legal Ownership of Generated Content

Peixin Hua
- Mass Communications
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: Bellisario College of Communications
Major/Program: Mass Communications
Research Interests: Media effects, media psychology, mental health

Ryan Jacobus
- Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Major/Program: Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations
Research Interests: Machine learning in cybersecurity and AI integration with machine learning.

Eunchae Jang
- Mass Communications
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: Bellisario College of Communications
Major/Program: Mass Communications
Research Interests: I am interested in addressing issues related to ethics, inclusion, and trust in the context of human-computer interaction and AI-powered media, such as deepfakes. I primarily use empirical methods, such as experiments and surveys.

Yerim Jo
- Management and Organization
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: Smeal College of Business
Major/Program: Management and Organization
Research Interests: I'm interested in studying whether and how the rapid scaling of digital platforms can lead to questionable moral issues. Specifically, I focus on how the usage of algorithms would contribute to such process.

Rebecca Jonas
- Informatics
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Major/Program: Informatics
Research Interests:

Yongnam Jung
- Mass Communications
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: Bellisario College of Communications
Major/Program: Mass Communications
Research Interests: AI, human-computer interaction, online credibility

Younes Karimi
- Informatics
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Major/Program: Informatics
Research Interests: Privacy, Cybersecurity, Natural Language Processing, Social Computing, Machine Learning

Savitha Kolar
- Artificial Intelligence
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: Penn State Great Valley
Major/Program: Artificial Intelligence
Research Interests: Machine vision and deep learning algorithms in health care, environment and social good.

Sai Koneru
- Informatics
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Major/Program: Informatics
Research Interests: Scientific Document Processing, Information Extraction, Computational Social Science, Disinformation

Maxwell Konnaris
- Bioinformatics and Genomics
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Major/Program: Bioinformatics and Genomics
Research Interests: My long term research interests are founded on the idea of integrating many forms of data that are increasingly accessible in the biological and medical sector such as multi-omics, IoT (physiological and environmental), Electronic Health Records, and Medical Imaging (histopathology, MRI, CT-Scan, Ultrasound) data to personalize medical diagnostics and treatment methods. Although we have incredible resources to obtain a variety of different modalities of data, it is challenging to gain insight while integrating these data together. During my PhD, I want to work with multi-omics data, learning about biology, computer science, and statistics, to focus on developing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms that help us gain insight from integrating data.

Tianqi Kou
- Informatics
- CSRAI Student Affiliate
College: College of Information Sciences and Technology
Major/Program: Informatics
Research Interests: I am interested in epistemology of machine learning, how machine learning method research and ML-based science justify their research claims. Key words: philosophy of science and technology, epistemology of machine learning, justification, reproducibility.