Kelley Cotter
- Assistant Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Information Sciences and Technology
Research Interests: My research explores how algorithms and AI shape social, cultural, and political life, and vice versa. Much of my work focuses on how people learn about and make sense of (social media platform) algorithms. In this, I'm interested questions about power, individual and collective agency, governance of algorithms (particularly bottom-up governance), life chances and opportunities, among other matters.
Daren Coudriet
- Executive Director of Innovation
- CSRAI Steering Committee
Department/Unit: Penn State Outreach
Research Interests:
Max Crowley
- Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, and Public Policy
- CSRAI Steering Committee
Department/Unit: College of Health and Human Development
Research Interests: Max Crowley is a prevention scientist investigating how to optimize investments in healthy development and wellbeing. This work sits at the intersection of social policy, prevention science and public finance. His program of research is motivated by a desire to increase the use of cost-effective, evidence-based preventive strategies to improve the lives of children and families. To accomplish this, his work aims to (1) strengthen methods for benefit-cost analyses of preventive interventions, (2) optimize prevention strategies’ impact and (3) develop best practices for how to translate these investments into evidence-based policy. In this manner, Dr. Crowley seeks to not only understand the costs and benefits of prevention, but aim to develop better interventions and encourage them to be disseminated widely. Dr. Crowley's research is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Nursing Research, National Institute of Child Health & Human Development and National Institute on Aging as well as the Robert Wood Johnson, Laura & John Arnold, Annie E. Casey, Michael and Susan Dell and Doris Duke Charitable Foundations.
Christopher Dancy
- Associate Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Harold & Inge Marcus Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering and Department of Computer Science & Engineering, College of Engineering
Research Interests: I have research interests in AI and Cognitive science and related research interests in AI & Society, particularly as it relates to antiblackness. With my research, I explore the intersections between individuals, sociocultural processes and systems (especially those related to antiblackness), and AI systems.
Michelle Darnell
- Director, Tarriff Center for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Smeal College of Business
Research Interests: Normative decision making; organizational ontology and institutionalism; authenticity; developing/sustaining ethical organizational cultures; pedagogical techniques in values-based education; ethical leadership
Bruce Desmarais
- Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Political Science and Social Data Analytics/College of Liberal Arts
Research Interests: Bruce's research is focused on methodological development and applications that further our understanding of the complex interdependence that underlies politics, policymaking, and public administration. Methodologically, Bruce focuses on methods for modeling networks, analyzing dynamics on networks, and experiments on networks. Primary application areas of interest to Bruce include public policy diffusion, campaign finance, legislative networks, and internal government communication networks.
Satadru Dey
- Assistant Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: As the human civilization becomes more and more urban-centric with time, the vision of Smart Cities has been gaining increasing attention worldwide. The high-level goal of such Smart Cities is to provide better quality of services by optimally using the available resources and minimizing the operational cost. Some desirable key features of such Smart Cities are sustainability, safety and security, and efficiency. Motivated by this scenario, our research goal is to utilize control, learning theory, and modeling techniques in order to improve energy efficiency, tighten safety and security, and maintain sustainability of these Smart Cities.
Min Ding
- Bard Professor in Marketing
- CSRAI Steering Committee
Department/Unit: Smeal College of Business
Research Interests: Min Ding is Bard Professor of Marketing at Smeal College of Business and Affiliate Professor in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University, and has held past visiting positions at Australian National University, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Fudan University, and MIT. Min received his Ph.D. in Marketing (with a 2nd concentration in Health Care System) from Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the Ohio State University, and B.S. in Genetics and Genetic Engineering from Fudan University. His current scholarly interest are in three domains: Artificial Intelligence and its Application in Commerce (Deep Learning Methods; Artificial Empathy; Intraperson Game Theory; Artificial Decision; Prescriptive Recommenders; Matching Systems), Innovation (Logical Creative Thinking [LCT]; Incentive Alignment [IA]; Innovation in Medicine; Adoption of Near-Term Disruptive Technologies), and Human and Societal Development (The Bubble Theory [Fair Development, Fair Wealth, Enlightened Needs]; Hualish Culture [originated from the greater China region]).
J. Dumas
- Associate Teaching Professor
- CSRAI Affiliate
Department/Unit: Media Studies/Bellisario
Research Interests: ICT4D and local and international efforts to bridge the digital divide and link ICT to peoples empowerment to build better lives.